Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lab Results Are Back 10-6-10

Monday we went in to Dr. Kristiansen's office to meet with her about moving forward, do an ultrasound, and check my blood work. It turned out my uterus lining was still too thick to start the month of birth control and get moving toward the next IVF cycle. I got a first call today from the doctor's office telling me that my HCG was still high so I would need to wait two weeks and then have my blood work done again to check if it has gone down. I got a second call a little while later that they had received the pathology report from the D&C. It turns out that the baby had Trisomy 7. The nurse told me that we needed to schedule an appointment with the Baylor Genetic Counselors to discuss the lab results and how to move forward. Of course this means that we will most likely be adding $5,000 to our next IVF round to do pre-genetic testing on the embryos to make sure that none of the embryos we implant have any diseases. I was a little bit surprised with today's news to say the least. More info to come on Friday.

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