Monday, August 2, 2010

Surfside Beach 7-21-10 to 7-25-10

We headed down to Surfside Wednesday morning with the girls to meet James, Lori, Maverick, and Macoy for vacation through Sunday. We stayed in a great house which was the third house back from the water with a little bridge over the sand dunes making it very easy to get to the beach with all of our stuff. We brought tons of food and cooked two nights and went out to eat two nights. We headed into Galveston the second night there for a little shopping and dinner right on the water. We hit the beach every day and Brett, James, Aspen, and Maverick went fishing on our boat several times and caught a bunch of different fish. On one trip, they saw a bunch of sea turtles and porpoises. It was a great week with beach time, good food, and lots of games. Everyone had a blast, and I hope it is the first of many vacations with both of our families!

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