Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Terrible blogger, but it's time for an upate, 12-05-12

Well I've missed months of pictures including Elizabeth's 1st birthday and Thanksgiving. Maybe one day I will back track and get back up to date! For now I wanted to update where I am. I have used this blog to go back and check numbers and dates on my past rounds of IVF to compare, so I want to make sure and get all of my information on here so that I can reference it in the future. Here's where I am:

1. I had my egg retrieval on Wednesday, November 28th
2. Going into the retrieval, I had 24 follicles. 16 eggs were actually retrieved. 11 eggs were mature enough to fertilize, and 8 of them actually successfully fertilized.
3. We did a day 5 transfer on Monday, December 3rd. At that time, 3 of the embryos were level 1 (best), 1 may or may not keep growning, and the other 4 were in pretty bad shape.
4. We went with Dr. Kristiansen's recommendation to transfer all 3 of the good embryos given our situation.
5. On Tuesday, the office called to tell me that two more of the embryos had developed into level 1s and so the lab was able to freeze them for later use. This is the first time we have had an embryo live to be able to be frozen!
6. I will take a blood pregnancy test on Monday, December 17th. If I am pregnant, my due date will be August, 21st, 2013 (same due date as Elizabeth!).

Say a prayer for us!